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Zelfgeschreven gedichten
Hier zijn een paar gedichten: I WOULD DIE I would die, die for you. I would die, die for the world. I would die, die for everything. I would die, because my life is nothing. I would die, because the world say it to me. I would die, because I don't know what love is. I would die, because my ghost are will free. It hurts but it's the truth. BETTER FOR THE WORLD Better for the world is... nowhere war more. Better for the world is... nowhere famine. Better for the world is... nowhere criminals. Better for the world is... nowhere poverty. Better for the world is... that I die today. THE BAD WORLD Why air is so grey? Why the devil is so happy? Why are angels so sad? Why are the people so scared? Why are the flowers so inanimate? Why are the heaven so dark? That's all because the demons dominate the world WITHOUT YOU Without you is my life nothing. Without you was I death. Without you I can't listening. Without you I don't know what love is. Without you I don't know what peace is. Without you can I go never else. Without you can I not are who I am. But with you can I everything. YOU CRY BECAUSE YOU'RE UTTERLY ALONE No one has ever truly been there for you. When you need a schoulder to cry on, no one stands beside you. The world is a cold and unfriendly place where people take no notice of the small things...and sadly, you are the only person that knows this is true. Keep your chin up...the world may abandon you, but you can always turn your back on it and cry your silent tears in the darkness. I HATE ... I hate your eyes because they told me the lies. I hate your heart because it's a black gate. I hate your head because he think to bad things. I hate everything about you because you are an liar. I hate you because you lie to me. I hate you because you used me. I hate you because I hate myself by you. I'm sorry that you must read this but it's all true. HET LEVEN IS... Het leven is soms zwaar,het leven is soms hard. Niemand weet waar de tijd blijft,niemand weet wat er gaat gebeuren of wat er nog moet komen. In het kort gezegt is het vallen en opstaan. Soms is het zwaar,soms valt het mee en je moet het helemaal alleen doen. Maar lief meisje als er echt iets is of als je echt ergens bang voor bent dan sta ik voor je klaar en ik zal nooit weggaan. Schreef iemand een keer voor mij. MY My heart is broken. My tears are falling. My hands are bleeding. And I cry and scream your name. But there's nothing I can do. My heart is crying an screaming on you. But there's nothing I can do. IK Ik voel me alleen nu. Helemaal eenzaam. Helemaal alleen. Niemand die in de buurt is om je op te vrolijken of je te troosten. Helemaal niemand. Alleen ik. WHAT'S THE REASON ' What's the reason that you love me? What's the reason that you're gone? What's the reason from the discussions? What's the reason that you aren't here? Well, I don't wanna know the answers. Your gone so stay there. And you don't come back in my life. So you do? I go die because I love you. But I can't say it to you. Now I'm screaming. I'm screaming to you that I love you. Now you know the truth. But do you love me too? I don't know. You can't say it to me. But you're gonna scream now. And this is what you scream. You scream that you love me too. Thanks for this answer. I'm happy now. IF YOU WANT[songtekst] Nobody can tell you... Nobody can tell you something... Nobody can tell you... What you must to do. [Chorus] If you want to live. You live. If you want to die. You die. But there's never come an end. When you go... When you go away... When you go... To that thing that you want. [Chorus] If you want to live. You live. If you want to die. You die. But there's never come an end. When I want... When I want you here... When I want... You can't come to me. [Chorus] If you want to live. You live. If you want to die. You die. But there's never come an end. When I think... When I think of you... When I think... I can gonna cry. Can you trust me one day. Can you be the same. Can you do what I want. Can you make me real. [Chorus 2x] If you want to live. You live. If you want to die. You die. But there's never come an end. ME AND ANOTHER PEOPLE How can people live in this world? With hate and pain. I've got a terrible life. A life with hate and pain and I cry every day. This life isn't honest. It's one big lie. A fucking life without real friends. They don't let me go... As I want to die. I let them goas they are be happy with that. It's a choice between your friends and your luck. I can just choice my own luck. Nobody can fix my heart. It's broken. Nobody understand me. I can't live this life. I won't live this life. I want to die. This life is to hard for me. I'm the devil. All that I can do is give pain to people. All that I can do is make people sad. All that I can do is make people angry. All that I can do is make people depressive. All that I can do is... Going to die. It's the best thing... that I can do for this world. Nobody trust me... Nobody believe me... Nobody understand me... And one thing that I can do is going to die! Yes I say going to die. I want to die. I want to live as a ghost. On mother earth. Don't understand me. Don't let me feel better. Don't help me. It doesn't help. Spent no time to me if it doesn't help. You save your strengths. And use them for real need cases. And don't use them for me. Listen to me for one time. Don't cry for me if you ever loved me. Don't scream for me if you call my name. Don't cry and scream ever. It doesn't help. There's nothing can help me. As you love me real... Don't let it ever hear to me. MY LIFE Life is one thing that I hate. There are so much problems. And what can I do? Nothing! There's nothing I can do. I hate life. There's one thing.... Life is... You going to be born... And you going to be die... And what there between is just pain. Pain that you make cry. You lose friends. You search them.... But you don't find them back. It makes me cry. I lose a best-friend and I search her... But I can't find her... Your aunt beat your face. It hurts but there's nothing you can do. Just cry... But it doesn't help. You can cry, you can laugh, you can lie, you can do everything... But it doesn't help... You can't forget it... You can be depressive... But you can't do something. It hangs around in your head. You never can be happy. You can just cry and scream... But nothing doesn't help. MY LIFE(2) Life is just a nightmare. I can know that... I'm depressive every day. I can't help it. I have a reason for that. But I can't tell it to someone. I can't trust nobody. I won't trust nobody. I have questions to myself... Who am I? What's the problem with me? I don't know. I don't wanna know. I give up. I give up everything. My friends... The fun... My family... And my life. I'm nobody. People are better. They go to heaven. I'm gonna burn in hell. Because I want that. People can do them life better than me. All that I can do is lie. And say that I feel good. But I don't feel good. I have a reason for that. But I can't tell it. It's my own secret. It's my life and from nobody else. I can say that I feel perfect. I can talk with someone. But I don't. The own things that I do is... Scream and cry. And I say nothing. All that I can do is make mistakes. It's all my fauld. I hate myself. I hate my life but... I love my friends. They are all from me. But I can't tell it to them. I'm scared. I'm angry by myself. I'm gonna lose myself. I'm gonna lose my friends. I'm gonna lose my family. I'm gonna lose my life. I'm sad all the time. I'm depressive all the time. And nobody can help me. They will try but it doesn't help. TAKE YOUR CHANCE You want to die. Go. Do your best. I can't stop you. I won't stop you. I don't stop you. Nobody stop you. [Chorus] Take your chance. Don't let it go. I'll help you but I can't do that. If you want to die... Do it! I can't help you. Go die if you want. I can't do something else. I can cry. And I can scream. But it doesn't help you. But it doesn't help me. But it doesn't help people. I doesn't help somebody. [Chorus 3x] Take your chance. Don't let it go. I'll help you but I can't do that. If you want to die... Do it! I can't help you. Go die if you want. YOU CAN'T AND YOU WON'T If I ask you something... You don't listen to me. If I tell you something... That I cry and scream. [Chorus] You can't help me. Don't try that. You can't save me. Don't do that. You won't help me. Don't try that. You won't save me. Don't do that. If you ask me something... I don't listen to you. If you tell me something... That you cry and scream. [Chorus] You can't help me. Don't try that. You can't save me. Don't do that. You won't help me. Don't try that. You won't save me. Don't do that. If I try something... You can't help me now. If I do nothing... Than you be with me. [Bridge] You can't help me. You can't save me. Don't try that! You won't help me. You won't save me. Don't do that! [Chorus] You can't help me. Don't try that. You can't save me. Don't do that. You won't help me. Don't try that. You won't save me. Don't do that. YOU I cry thousend tears. But I never look back. I'll never give up. Cause I love you so much. All that I want to do. All that I do for you. I can't believe it. It's just a nightmare. But it can be a dream. My tears want to fall if I see you. But I don't cry. I won't. I wanna steal your pain away. If I fall down. Will you help me carry on. I walk alone... Without friends... Without love... Without family... Without you... I can't live without you. I won't live without you. Nobody can help me... Just you. I make cares about you. But I'll be there for you... If you need someone to talk. Every day and every night. I love you and I never let you go. I want that you to know... That when you call me... That I come to you. Every time when you need me. WHAT I WANNA TELL YOU I want to tell you... That I love you. You're always in my head. I want that you to know... That I need you. You're always in my heart. I can tell you everything. Everything that I want to tell you. Everything what I need to tell you. If I see you, my heart's gonna beating faster. If I hear you voice, I'm going to blush. But that's ok. I hope that you know that I love you very much. And if you need help call me and I'm coming. If you don't know that I love you I say it for the last time. I love you very much and I never wanna lose you. You're my everything. You're the only one where I live for. YOU AND ME When we're together I feel perfect. I never wanna let you go but... I let you go now cause your girlfriend was there... With us. It hurts to see you with her. I try to believe you. But I can't. But to everything comes an end. To love... To live... And the dead is gonna beginning. Without you... Without love... But I always love you every day and every night. I don't know what I must to do. I'll never go away from you. I wanna help you. I'll never give up. And that's all what I want to do cause... I love you. I won't to cry. But I can't stop crying. I won't to scream. But I can't stop screaming. No one can tell me what I must to do. I love you and nobody can stop it. It's my heart and it's beating for you. Just for you. It's ok. I hope that you understand it. And that you know that I never let you go. And I always love you. I don't wanna hurt you. I don't wanna make you cry. I don't wanna make your life difficult. I wanna make you strong. I wanna give you hope. I wanna make you laugh. I wanna see you happy not sad. WHAT I WANT TO DO You know that I love you. But you don't understand how much. I can't win your heart. But I need you. Every day... Every night... I'm always beside you. But you can't see me. I'm in your heart... I'm in your head... And I'll never go away. I'll never give up. When you need me too... You can call me... Every day and... Every night. Don't cry about me. Don't care about me. It's ok. I just wanna help you. You're my heart. You're my life. You're my soul. You're my everything. NERGENS BEN JE VEILIG ik volg je in je hoofd. ik volg je op straat. nergens ben je veilig. overal is het te laat. je komt nooit van me af. ook niet als je smeekt. ik ben je ergste nachtmerrie. die de tijd niet breekt. het enige wat ik breek is je ziel. het enige wat ik breek is jou. MY WISH TO US Do you know what I'm feeling? Do you know who I am? Do you love me? Do we feel the same things? They're the questions that I have. And I haven't an answer on them. But one day I get the answers on my questions to you. They come from your mouth or with signs which you send to me. I hope so and I wait up to that day. I hope that you're gonna save my life. I hope that we're together forever. So make my wish complete and we're happy together forever. FEELINGS FOR YOU I feel so alone. Everything that I can do is... Think about you. I miss you so much. 'Cause I love you. And I never wanna lose you. I wanna cry for you. I wanna scream for you. I wanna do everything. Everything just when I feel and see you. I wanna kiss you. I wanna hug you. But I can't. You aren't here. But you're always in my heart. And I can't forget you. I won't forget you. All that I see is you. All that I want to feel is your love. But that's too much. You've got a girlfriend. But I don't like her. I'm really sorry. But I can't understand you. Why is she so special? Why do you love her? She's so weird. But it's ok. I love you. And that's enough to tell you. I CAN'T My heart is broken. My soul is gone. But I'm not ready to die. I never wanna lose you. I can't forget you. Nobody understand this feeling. Cause they don't have the same feelings. I can say how it feeling... Too much pain... Too much sorrow... Too much fear... Too much angry feelings... I'm angry on myself... I've hurt you... And I've hurt myself... The pain that I have... I can't describe it... I know that you hate me... And I know that I've hurt you... But please honey... Don't be sad or angry... And forgive me... Don't forget me... Please I miss you... My heart is broken... I can't forgive myself... I know that you can't forgive me... But I ask it for the certainty... Cause I can't find myself... I can't find my soul... I can't find an answer... But I know that I love you... And I won't lose you... Please don't leave me alone in this terrible world... I can't without you... I HATE YOU Why have you done this to me? What's your fucking problem? Say it. You hate me huh.. Well thanks... 'Cause I hate you too. Thank you for this pain. Thank you for this hate. Go away! Leave me alone! Just what you can give to me is... Pain and tears. You broke my heart. So fuck off. I don't care about you anymore. I fucking hate you. I hate you so much. Nobody have ever hurt me so much. But you've hurt me too much. Too much to forgive you. I can't forgive you this. I won't see you. I can't see you... 'Cause it hurts my heart. My heart is broken... And that's your fault. You're a liar. Go out my life. I'll make it perfect. But you're in my life. And that's not perfect. So don't break my life too. IK EN JY. Steeds als ik met je chat... Steeds als ik je foto zie... Mijn hart draait overuren. Ik wil dat je weet dat ik er altijd voor je ben. Want er is 1 ding dat ik je moet bekennen. Iets belangrijks... Dat diep in mijn hart verstopt zit... Ik moet je bekennen dat... Ik van je hou...!! Al een hele tijd. Sorry dat het zo lang duurde maar ik durfde niet. En sinds ik jou ken ben ik vrolijker dan ooit te voren. Als er iets mis is met je zeg je het ook eerlijk. Ik hou van die eerlijkheid, omdat liegen slecht is. Je bereikt er niks mee alleen verdriet en ruzie. Jij en ik hebben nooit ruzie met elkaar. Daar ben ik blij om. Als ik jou zou kwijtraken zou ik niet weten wat ik moest doen. Maar onthou 1 ding... Ook al ben ik jou kwijt je bent mij nooit kwijt. Ik ben er altijd voor je. Bel me en ik kom bij je hoe dan ook. Als iemand je pijn doet wees niet bang ik ben er voor je. En ik zal nooit weggaan. Ik help je bij de moeilijkste beslissingen. Als ik je ooit pijn doe zeg ik al van te voren het spijt me. En dan hoop ik dat je me vergeeft. Want ik wil je nooit meer kwijt. WE STAY TOGETHER FOREVER. When there's a place in your heart, I'll put myself in it. And I'll stay forever. I give you my heart, cause I love you too much to let you go. I never let you go, cause I can't without you. I love you forever, cause I can't forget you. I chisel your name in my heart, cause I'll that you stay forever in my heart. I never wanna lose you. And when I lose you... I lose myself too. I love you and that's forever. When you gonna cry, I'll stay with you. When you say that you love me, I'll believe you. When you laugh, I say that you looks sweet. When you say I'll never let you go, I'll marry you. |
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