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♥when the night comes
look at the sky
if you see a fallingstar
don't wonder why
just make a wish
trust me it will come true
because I did it
and found you

♥I don't know how it happened
I only know it's true
that there's a place in my heart
that no one can fill but you

♥Because you are someone special
I send my love today
for you are very wonderfull
in each and every way

♥I see you in my dreams
I see you everywhere
I can't help it anymore
I close my eyes
and you are there...

♥I know that time can never change
the love I have for you
except to make it deeper still
with everything we do
In all my dreams of coming years
you play the greatest part
for I know that time will never
change the love within my heart

♥A million tomorrows,
wouldn't be enough time
to tell you,
how much I love you

♥if you love me
like you told me
please be careful
with my heart
you can take it
just don't break it
or my world will fall apart

♥you're the one i'm dreaming of
i can't live without your love
and it's you that i adore
you're the one i live for

Copyright by JS-Systems. Deze site is onderdeel van lovegirlz.nl